Takahide Mizuuchi


Artist Information

Takahide MIZUUCHI was born in Okayama in 1979, dropped out of Musashino Art University. Since 2001, he have been presenting his works focused on projected works and workshops.

The main activity,
2003, 2009 & 2012 “MEETS”, “Snakes of the rainbow colors” and “Tsumari-Mabiki ” at The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, Toka-machi, Niigata Prefecture

2004 & 2006  ”Town planning by children” and “Water Koto project”, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
2005  “MIZUUCHI Surveying company” Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art
2006  ”A Dinner ~ a rapid-fire drama ~ ” Bank Art NYK, Yokohama, Kanagawa
2011  ”Clear Horns” and URS13 Play Ground, Taipei, Taiwan

Official Website: Takahide Mizuuchi Art Works