Field Trip Project is a mobile/ participatory/ interactive art exhibition installed within Japanese elementary school backpacks. Traveling to various locations, it connects people and bridges communities. Remote from the white cubes of art galleries and museums, literally everywhere is its venue; from an empty field in the disaster-affected areas to shopping streets and residential neighbourhoods. Every interaction with the project becomes a memory towards the future.
Field Trip Project would like to connect with you. Let us know if you are curious!
At the end of the school year in March 2012, a number of unused relief supplies gathered in gymnasium of Onagawa Daiichi Junior High School were scheduled to be either shipped to developing countries or treated as waste. Toronto based visual artist Daisuke Takeya with Chie Kajiwara, an Onagawa based art teacher, suggested an alternative use for the Japanese elementary school backpacks among the surplus. A large number of these backpacks were entrusted to them, and a set of thirty five were sent to Canada to be transformed by passionate Canadian contemporary artists into a mobile art exhibition. They were then sent back to Onagawa again and re-used to empower people through communication with art.
The project will travel to a variety of cities and inspire ideas towards the recovery. It also focuses on community issues at each destination, and will investigate what makes vibrant and sustainable communities.
2012年3月、カナダ トロント市在住のアーティスト・武谷大介と女川町在住の美術教師・梶原千恵が、使用されず廃棄処分となっていた支援物資の中古ランドセルを女川第一中学校から譲り受けた事から始まりました。ランドセルのうち35個はカナダへと送られ、35組のアーティストによってアート作品に姿を変えました。そして、これらのアート作品は再度被災地へと送られ、元々の始まりである被災地支援への思いが、アートというコミュニケーションの形で地域の方達へ届けられる形となりました。
Chie KAJIWARA (Onagawa, Miyagi) Representative of High School Student Café / Art Instructor of Junior High School
Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, I have been doing artistic volunteer activities and have come to feel “the power of art” on a very deep level. I think art has an ability to kickstart a community, which other professions like food service and entertainment do not have. Through my volunteer activities, I have come up with a dream to make an art gallery in Onagawa but it is actually difficult to have such a place under these circumstances. Then Daisuke Takeya and I had an idea of “field trip,” a mobile gallery that would visit local shops and houses.
Conditions in the disaster area change day by day. However, it has been a year and half since the disaster and information on the situation does not reach outside of the area. I cannot deny that there is a gap between the disaster areas and the rest of the country. Even in the disaster area, I can feel varying degrees of awareness. I think we need more communication.
Art that transcends borders, generations, and regions triggers reactions from people in unexpected fields and connects them together. And so the “field trip” connects region to region. Not only should it solve the lack of communication in the disaster areas, but it can also give us clues in helping solve various problems in communities.
I think it is significant that the “field trip” started from the disaster area in Onagawa. By spreading new art from an area that has received so much support until now, we would like to express our gratitude for everything you have given us. Also, it would be our pleasure if we could spread a positive message to show that it is possible to start something such as this out of nothing.
Daisuke TAKEYA (Toronto, Canada) Founder of DAICHI Projects / Artist
DAICHI Projects is a process-based and long-term platform that sets up art projects and holds workshops based on children’s ideas in order to pursue the reconstruction of Japan. Through art projects, we make an appeal to society that asks how we can give a bright future to our children in Japan.Toronto is where I am currently based and this city consists of immigrants from all over the world. Here it is a fundamental yet daily task to think about how to coexist with people with different languages, cultural backgrounds, and sense of values. After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, we had many reconstruction support events in the city, and many Canadian people expressed their condolences to the disaster areas. However, as time went by events and activities for the disaster here in far away Canada began to dwindle. Then news came of many “items” being swept away by the tsunami were drifting to Canada and the West Coast of North America. According to experts, this drifting will continue into the future. For me, it looked as if this was telling us that the disaster was not a story of long ago about some foreign country, but rather this phenomenon was locking Canada and Japan together in a natural cycle. And then I saw a used Japanese school bag that was supposed to be a relief supply but was never used. At the same time that I knew deeply that we simply cannot stop our support of the Japanese people, I also became conscious of material things. The 20th century was one where our attachment to material affluence came to pass. t I feel that society now in the 21st century has been changing to one of spiritual affluence. Nothing would make me happier than if we all could learn how to use the medium of art to change “material things” into “experiences” and connect and improve communication with various communities.>
Graduate School Education Course, Gunma University
群馬大学大学院 美術教育専修 藤原秀博
I study art education at graduate school. I have been involved with this project since I worked as a volunteer in the summer of 2011.I live in Gunma Prefecture which didn’t suffer much direct damage from the disaster, so it was quite an experience for me to join this local art project after having seen the devastated area.In my opinion, art has the power to connect and change people. By seeing and connecting with these pieces I began to think about how I can dedicate myself to my community for the future.Each schoolbag is filled with thoughts and emotions. These thoughts have the power to create a new bond between us.I hope that people from outside the devastated areas can also enjoy this project.
Born in Ibaraki, currently living in Tokyo
Ryota is an undergraduate student of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering Division, Tokyo University of Science. He is interested in urban architecture. In February 2012, Ryota came across the Fieldtrip project while he was conducting a survey and trying to figure out a way to stimulate the community through the power of art. He now works as an intern for the project and TOKYO SOURCE.
– discovering interesting things in the everyday that you can find when you shift your perspective
– Unique and creative ideas that come about using familiar objects
– fashion, art museums, and cafés
– to take action that can help art become a part of one’s lifestyle